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TaxDermia (2014)

It is a multidisciplinary work that addresses the issue of dehumanization through the selection of certain stories that are paradigms of human history, where violence, discrimination, abuse, repression and war have remained constant our essence as human beings.


Fear and Misery of the Third Reich, of Bertolt Brecht, is the text that inspired the creation of this work; not only by taking Picture 9: The Jewish woman, but takes the structure of the didactic work to give structure to an enhancer spectacle of it, to the construction of the aesthetic universe as a strong container signs that allow give way to speech scenic .


Five interpreters are transformed into different beings, TaxDermia is a work for unconventional forums, where the public is facing a space without a front seat without defined for a tour in the scene located in various contexts. Each picture or scene is presented in a different setting within the same space to make each a unique context. Thus, the public actively interact in space travel throughout the show.


Light proposal establishes the principle of "enlighten ourselves", so that the theater infrastructure becomes a support that complements the lighting design. It works with wireless LED lamps, specially designed for the work and are important elements in both the aesthetic appearance, as in speech.


The use of industrial lighting has a dual function: to illuminate the action and establish dialogue with the public through the sign "light". Are two guides who accompany the public during the work and who are responsible for giving life to this dialogue.


Generating atmospheres determined by the light proposal and the signs that make up each frame as a single unit and as part of the whole. Thus TaxDermia consists of nine frames that through the concept of work, layout design different scenarios, seeks to share with the public different moods that trigger a reflection on humanity.


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