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Full-length video




“Homo sum, humani nihil

a me alienum puto”

           Publio Terencio Africano 



TaxDermia is a reflection of human nature horrors, which exists from our beginnings through our current days. As an inspiration source, we took Bertolt Brecht's play "Fear and Misery of the Third Reich", where among several divided scenes, characters are exposed attending to the need of express humanity contradiction.


An artwork that through the dance, theater, visual atmosphere construction and lightning; let identify several historic contexts; trying to sublimate through the reflexion and a feeling of hope, the terrifying phenomenon of dehumanization.




General Director, concept and choreography: Stephanie García


Director Assistant: Juan Manuel Cano 


Lighting: Javier Rodríguez 


Performers: Fernanda Salas, Stephanie García, Cesar Alamillo, Lorena LópezAguado y Alberto Mora. 


Guides: Hugo Martínez Bolaños, Celina Bustamante and Javier Rodríguez.


Production: Sur Oeste


Costume Design: Al Mendoza/ Santa Elisa 


LED Lamps Realization: Héctor García/ Diseños Increíble 


Production Assistant: Celina Bustamante 

Music: DJ Mexican Dug Wiseer, Ian Tiersen, Balanescu Quartet, Macy Star, Nick Cave, Billie Holiday, Brazilian Girls and Patty Smith.

Photo: Elizabeth Vinck. 


Training: Stephanie García 

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