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Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in the career of Dramatic Literature and Theater.


She has worked professionally in cinematographic production of the UNAM and independent producers, acting, direction and dramaturgy in university theater, scenic video with professional companies of dance like Contempodanza, Camerino 4, Gato Danza, Barro Rojo Scenic Art, Focus to the Air, Alicia Sánchez And Company, A Poc A Poc Dance and with independent dancers and choreographers.


Teacher in the National School of Classical and Contemporary Dance giving the subjects of Research Seminar and thesis and Educational Research, as well as artistic and scenic project consultant.


He is currently the General Coordinator of Barro Rojo Arte Escénico, with whom he collaborates in the strategic counseling of Apoyo México in Escena 4ª and 5ª Emisión, in the area of ​​administration, logistics planning, academic area and projects.

Logistical direction, strategist, administrator, assistant director and videographer

Juan Manuel Cano

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